PHP header() examples 完整代码
/*** Function: PHP header() examples (PHP)
Desc: Some examples on how to use the header() function of PHPYou find
a detailed tutorial at (English) or at
(German).These is also a good help about caching at
Example: see below.
You can use these sites to check your headers: <a
or <a
** Author: Jonas John
// fix 404 pages:
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
// set 404 header:
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
// set Moved Permanently header (good for redrictions)
// use with location header
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
// redirect to a new location:
// redrict with delay:
header('Refresh: 10; url=');
print 'You will be redirected in 10 seconds';
// you could also use the HTML syntax:// <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; />
// override X-Powered-By: PHP:
header('X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0');
header('X-Powered-By: Brain/0.6b');
// content language (en = English)
header('Content-language: en');
// last modified (good for caching)
$time = time() – 60; // or filemtime($fn), etc
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $time).' GMT');
// header for telling the browser that the content
// did not get changed
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
// set content length (good for caching):
header('Content-Length: 1234');
// Headers for an download:
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""');
一、 建立一个安全抽象层
我们并不建议你手工地把前面介绍的技术应用于每一个用户输入的实例中,而是强烈推荐你为此创建一个抽象层。一个简单的抽象是把你的校验方案加入到一个函数中,并且针对用户输入的每一项调用这个函数。当然,我们还可以创建一种更复杂的更高一级的抽象-把一个安全的查询封装到一个类中,从而应 ......
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Script Name: encrypt.php
* Creation Date: 2008-4-7 10:36
* Last Modified: 2008-4-12 16:00
* Author: meyu
* Copyright (c) 2007
* Purpose: 数字字符串简易加解密
* --------------------------------- ......
#作者: 沈潋(S&S Lab) # ......
1.不转意html entities
一个基本的常识:所有不可信任的输入(特别是用户从form中提交的数据) ,输出之前都要转意。
echo $_GET['usenam ......
操作系统CentOS 5.3
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