how to install apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux
how to install apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux
This tutorial explains the installation of Apache web server, bundled with PHP and MySQL server on a Linux machine. The tutorial is primarily for SuSE 9.2, 9.3, 10.0 & 10.1 operating systems, but most of the steps ought to be valid for all Linux-like operating systems.
MySQL 5 Installation
Download the Source
Unpack, Copy, Configure
Create my.cnf File
Additional Settings
Start Server, Check It, Connect
Set the Root Password
Restart MySQL Server
Automatic Startup
Apache 2 Installation
PHP 5 Installation
MySQL 5.0 installation
Since Apache and MySQL servers must be installed prior to the PHP installation, I recommend installing the triad in this order: MySQL, Apache, PHP. You may well have some MySQL server already installed – in that case you can skip directly to the Apache 2 installation. However, it's a good idea to reinstall everything, in order to have the most recent versions of the software.
There are several options for how to install MySQL:
using YaST – the easiest and fastest way. However, the version of MySQL bundled with SuSE installation is usually NOT the best (i.e. the most recent) available,
RPM installation – supposedly also fast and simple, I've never tried though. The only drawback here is that MySQL is not installed into a single destination – it's scattered across several directories. I like to keep things tidy, so I skipped this option,
installing binaries – downloading precompiled files from the website, copying them into a directory of your choice, and doing some simple configuration. I tried this, but it didn't work for me – for some reason the MySQL server wouldn't start,
installing from source – I would recommend this. Yes, it takes some time and effort, but you will get the most recent MySQL installed in a single location on your system, and everything will be configured accord
引用 夜落古龙 的 MySql Administrator 的简单使用(图)
MySQL Administrator提供图形界面以帮助你管理MySQL数据库,Windows用户可以通过命令提示行运行MySQL
Administrator,在余下时间里我假定你已经安装了MySQL Administrator,并且将使用相关图例。
Java代码 < width="14" height="15" src="/javascripts/syntaxhighlighter/clipboard_new.swf" pluginspage="">
+------- ......
1.PHP 是什么?
PHP 是服务器端解释的脚本语言,它是目前最流行的 web 编程语言之一。 在一个 HTML 页面中可以嵌入PHP代码,这些代码在每次页面访问时执行。PHP 代码将在 Web 服务器中被解释并且生成 HTML或者访问者看到其他输出结果。
2.My SQL 是什么?
My SQL 是基于 SQL 的完 ......
提交实际应用后,随着数据库中数据的增加,系统的响应速度就成为目前系统需要解决的最主要的问题之一。系统优化中一个很重要的方面就是SQL语句的优化。 ......
1.Appserv 是什么?
Appserv 是PHP网页架站工具组合包,可以将网络上免费的架站资源重新包装成单一的安装程序。它提供了简易、快速的PHP运行环境的搭建机制,读者只需按照普通应用软件的安装方式就可以完成Apache+MySQL+PHP+phpMyAdmin的安装与配置工作。
2.Appserv 下载地址
http://www. ......