

Group functions
SELECT [column,] group_function(column) ... from table [WHERE condition] [GROUP BY group_by_expression] [ORDER BY column];
SELECT department_id, job_id, SUM(salary), COUNT(employee_id) from employees GROUP BY department_id, job_id ;
SELECT [column,] group_function(column)... from table [WHERE condition] [GROUP BY group_by_expression]
[HAVING having_expression] [ORDER BY column];
GROUP BY with ROLLUP and CUBE Operators
1. Use ROLLUP or CUBE with GROUP BY to produce superaggregate rows by cross-referencing columns.
2. ROLLUP grouping produces a result set containing the regular grouped rows and the subtotal values.
3. CUBE grouping produces a result set containing the rows from ROLLUP and cross-tabulation rows.
SELECT [column,] group_function(column). . .from table [WHERE condition] [GROUP BY [ROLLUP] group_by_expression] [HAVING having_expression];[ORDER BY column];
//ROLLUP is an extension to the GROUP BY clause Use the ROLLUP operation to produce cumulative
aggregates, such as subtotals.
e.g. :
select nmoduleinfoid, ndocsortid, salary from t1;
1    1    1000
1    2    2100
1    3    1300
2    4    1400
select nmoduleinfoid, ndocsortid, sum(salary) from t1 group by rollup(nmoduleinfoid, ndocsortid);
1    1    1000
1    2    2100
1    3    1300
1          4400
2    4    1400
2          1400
SELECT [column,] group_function(column)... from table [WHERE condition] [GROUP BY [CUBE] group_by_expression] [HAVING having_expression] [ORDER BY column];
// CUBE is an extension to the GROUP BY clause. You can use the CUBE operator to produce cross-tabulation



Subquery: (single-row subqueries and multi-rows subqueries).
select select_list
from table
where expr operator (select select_list from table);
single-row subqueries operator: =, >, >=, <, <=, <>
1. select department_id, min(salary) from employees group by department_id ......


Merge statement
function benefits: 1) provides the ability to conditionally update, insert or delete data into a database table. 2) performs an update if the row exists, and an insert if it is a new row. --> 1) avoids seperate updates, 2) increase performance and ease of use. 3) is useful in dat ......


PairWise subquery:
select * from wf_docsort where (ndocsortid,nmoduleinfoid)  in (select ndocsortid, nmoduleinfoid from wf_docsort where instr(cname,'文')>0)
the above sql is the same function as:
select * from wf_docsort where ndocsortid = (select ndocsortid from wf_docsort where ......
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