DROP TABLE t_change_lc;
CREATE TABLE t_change_lc (card_code VARCHAR2(3), q NUMBER, bal NUMBER);
INSERT INTO t_change_lc
SELECT '001' card_code, ROWNUM q, trunc(dbms_random.VALUE * 100) bal from dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 4
SELECT '002' card_code, ROWNUM q, trunc(dbms_random.VALUE * 100) bal from dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 4;
SELECT * from t_change_lc;
SELECT a.card_code,
SUM(decode(a.q, 1, a.bal, 0)) q1,
SUM(decode(a.q, 2, a.bal, 0)) q2,
SUM(decode(a.q, 3, a.bal, 0)) q3,
SUM(decode(a.q, 4, a.bal, 0)) q4
from t_change_lc a
GROUP BY a.card_code
DROP TABLE t_change_cl;
CREATE TABLE t_change_cl AS
SELECT a.card_code,
SUM(decode(a.q, 1, a.bal, 0)) q1,
SUM(decode(a.q, 2, a.bal, 0)) q2,
SUM(decode(a.q, 3, a.bal, 0)) q3,
SUM(decode(a.q, 4, a.bal, 0)) q4
from t_change_lc a
GROUP BY a.card_code
SELECT * from t_change_cl;
SELECT t.card_code,
t.rn q,
decode(t.rn, 1, t.q1, 2, t.q2, 3, t.q3, 4, t.q4) bal
from (SELECT a.*, b.rn
from t_change_cl a,
(SELECT ROWNUM rn from dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 4) b) t
ORDER BY 1, 2;
--ÐÐÁÐת»» ÐÐתÁÐ ºÏ²¢
DROP TABLE t_change_lc_comma;
CREATE TABLE t_change_lc_comma AS SELECT card_code,'quarter_'||q AS q from t_change_lc;
SELECT * from t_change_lc_comma;
SELECT t1.card_code, substr(MAX(sys_connect_by_path(t1.q, ';')), 2) q
from (SELECT a.card_co
Áª½ÓÌõ¼þ¿ÉÔÚ from »ò WHERE ×Ó¾äÖÐÖ¸¶¨£¬½¨ÒéÔÚ from ×Ó¾äÖÐÖ¸¶¨Áª½ÓÌõ¼þ¡£WHERE ºÍ HAVING ×Ó¾äÒ²¿ÉÒÔ°üº¬ËÑË÷Ìõ¼þ£¬ÒÔ½øÒ»²½É¸Ñ¡Áª½ÓÌõ¼þËùÑ¡µÄÐС£
Áª½Ó¿É·ÖΪÒÔϼ¸Àࣺ   ......
select case when b.name is null and c.name is null then 'ºÏ¼Æ' when b.name is null and c.name is not null then 'С¼Æ' else b.name end as mtrname,
sum(a.number),c.name as cname from x_sell a join x_material b on a.mtr=b.fid join p_organi c on c.fid=a.customer
where a.stime>'2009-10-01'
GROUP B ......