½éÉÜSQL Server 2005µÄCROSS Apply
Cross Applyʹ±í¿ÉÒԺͱíÖµº¯Êý½á¹û½øÐÐjoin, ÕâÑù±íÖµº¯ÊýµÄ²ÎÊý¾Í¿ÉÒÔʹÓÃÒ»¸ö½á¹û¼¯£¬¶ø²»ÊÇÒ»¸ö±êÁ¿Öµ£¬ÏÂÃæÊÇbook onlineµÄÔÎÄ£¬ÓÐÀý×Ó£¬ÓнâÊÍ¡£
The APPLY operator allows you to invoke a table-valued function for each row returned by an outer table expression of a query. The table-valued function acts as the right input and the outer table expression acts as the left input. The right input is evaluated for each row from the left input and the rows produced are combined for the final output. The list of columns produced by the APPLY operator is the set of columns in the left input followed by the list of columns returned by the right input.
There are two forms of APPLY: CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY. CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produce a result set from the table-valued function. OUTER APPLY returns both rows that produce a result set, and rows that do not, with NULL values in the columns produced by the table-valued function.
As an example, consider the following tables, Employees and Departments:
--Create Employees table and insert values
empid int NOT NULL,
mgrid int NULL,
empname varchar(25) NOT NULL,
salary money NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(1 , NULL, 'Nancy' , $10000.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(2 , 1 , 'Andrew' , $5000.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(3 , 1 , 'Janet' , $5000.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(4 , 1 , 'Margaret', $5000.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(5 , 2 , 'Steven' , $2500.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(6 , 2 , 'Michael' , $2500.00)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES(7 , 3 , 'Robert' , $2500.00)
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Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks
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REATE TABLE [dbo].[test](
[UserId] [int] Pri ......
bigint 8
binary 8000
bit 1
char 8000
datetime 8
decimal 17
float 8
image 16
int 4
money 8
nchar 8000
ntext 16
numeric 17
nvarchar 8000
real 4
smalldatetime 4
smallint 2
smallmoney 4
sql_variant 8016
sysname 256
text 16
tim ......
select 2|8 --10
select 2|8|1 --11
select 10&8 --8,°üº¬,10=8+2
select 10&2 --2,°üº¬,10=2+8
select 10&4 --0,²»°üº¬
select 19&16 --16,°üº¬,19=16+2+1
s ......