select emp_no,emp_name,dept,isnull(convert(char(10),birthday,120),'ÈÕÆÚ²»Ïê') birthday
from employee
order by dept
select emp_no,emp_name,dept,title
from employee
where emp_name'Ó÷×ÔÇ¿' and dept in
(select dept from employee
where emp_name='Ó÷×ÔÇ¿')
select dept,sum(salary)
from employee
group by dept
select a.prod_id,qty,unit_price,unit_price*qty totprice
from sale_item a,product b
where a.prod_id=b.prod_id and prod_name='14´çÏÔʾÆ÷'
select prod_id,sum(qty) totqty,sum(qty*unit_price) totprice
from sale_item
group by prod_id
select cust_id,sum(tot_amt) totprice
from sales
where convert(char(4),order_date,120)='1996'
group by cust_id
select a.cust_id,cust_name,sum(tot_amt) totprice
from customer a,sales b
where a.cust_id=b.cust_id
group by a.cust_id,cust_name
select a.cust_id,cust_name,sum(tot_amt) totprice
from customer a,sales b
where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and convert(char(4),order_date,120)='1997'
group by a.cust_id,cust_name
select order_no,cust_id,sale_id,tot_amt
from sales
where tot_amt=
(select max(tot_amt)
from sales)
select emp_name,order_date
from employee a,sales b
where emp_no=sale_id and a.emp_no in
(select sale_id
from sales
group by sale_id
having count(*)>=3)
order by emp_name
select cust_name
from customer a
where not exists
(select *
from sales b
where a.
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Ôö
Customers ct = new Customers();
ct.CustomerID = "test";
ct.CompanyName = "test";
NorthwindDataContext nc = new NorthwindDataContex ......
mysqlµ¼³ösql½Å±¾ ÊÕ²Ø
*±ØÐëÔÚD:\LTSOFT\MYSQL4\bin> mysqldump -u root -p test > c:\a.sql
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* ²»ÄܽøÈëmysql ÃüÁîÀï.
MySQLµ¼³ ......
SELECT a.name,
COUNT(b.id) AS counts
from zhen a
left join
yi b
on a.id=b.zhenid
GROUP ......
C#Á¬½ÓSQL ServerµÄSqlConnectionµÄ×Ö·û´®£¬Ðí¶à¶¼ÊDz»ÄÜÁ¬½ÓµÄ¡£ÏÖÔÚ¸øÒ»¸öÄÜÁ¬½ÓµÄ£º
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class sqlServerConnection {
public static void Main() {
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