
How do I release sql express database?

I have a simple app that
uses an SQL Express 2005 database. When the user closes the app, I want
to give the option to back up the database by making a copy in another
directory. However, when I try to do it, I get "The process cannot
access the file '...\Pricing.MDF' because it is being used by another
process." I closed the connection, disposed the connection, set it to
nothing, and GC.Collect(), but it makes no difference. My connection
string is "Data
Security=True; User Instance=True" and I just keep using the same
connection throughout. I didn't see where I could detach the database
to counter the attach in the connection string.
1 - How do I RELEASE the thing? 2 - Is there a better way than just
copying the database? The app is for my husband only, so I will be able
to handle it if he actually does need to restore from backup.
You don't want to copy the mdf directly because SQL keeps most of
the changes in the transaction log, take a look at the modified time
after running some queries, it doesn't write directly to the file. I
noticed this while setting up an rsync job.
Having SQL generate the backup is much safer and more desirable,
single-user or multi-user. You can provide a link to a function calling
the T-SQL which you can completely automate as far as source db and
destination folder:
BACKUP DATABASE [mydatabasename]
TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Scheduled Task Backups\mydatabasename-backup' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'mydatabasename-Full Data
SQL 2005 had introduced another T-SQL syntax to do this, for the life
of me I can't find it. But there are ways to do it through M$$SQL
without having the full blown database server.


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SQL 开发人员 Oracle Berkeley DB 指南
作者:Margo Seltzer
Oracle Berkeley DB 中常用 SQL 函数使用指南。
2007 年 9 月发表
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