

3,Return without GoSub
5,Invalid procedure call
7,Out of memory
9,Subscript out of range
10,This array is fixed or temporarily locked
11,Division by zero
13,Type mismatch
14,Out of string space
16,Expression too complex
17,Cant perform requested operation
18,User interrupt occurred
20,Resume without error
28,Out of stack space
35,Sub Function or Property not defined
47,Too many DLL application clients
48,Error in loading DLL
49,Bad DLL calling convention
51,Internal error
52,Bad file name or number
53,File not found
54,Bad file mode
55,File already open
57,Device I/O error
58,File already exists
59,Bad record length
61,Disk full
62,Input past end of file
63,Bad record number
67,Too many files
68,Device unavailable
70,Permission denied
71,Disk not ready
74,Cant rename with different drive
75,Path/File access error
76,Path not found
91,Object variable or With block variable not set
92,For loop not initialized
93,Invalid pattern string
94,Invalid use of Null
97,Cant call Friend procedure on an object that is not an instance of the
defining class
98,A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object
298,System DLL could not be loaded
320,Cant use character device names in specified file names
321,Invalid file format
322,Can’t create necessary temporary file
325,Invalid format in resource file
327,Data value named not found
328,Illegal parameter; cant write arrays
335,Could not access system registry
336,ActiveX component not correctly registered
337,ActiveX component not found
338,ActiveX component did not run correctly
360,Object already loaded
361,Cant load or unload this object
363,ActiveX control specified not found
364,Object was unloaded
365,Unable to unload within this context
368,The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later version
371,The specified object cant be used as an owner form


vb Ä£ÄâÊó±ê°´¼ü

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Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Private Declare Function SetCursorPo ......


À´Ô´£ºqqreadÂÛ̳ ×÷Õߣº ³ö´¦£ºÇÉÇɶÁÊé 2006-08-03 ½øÈëÌÖÂÛ×é
¡¡CREATE PROCEDURE [AddNewInvoiceInfo] (@sUserID int,@sClaimMethod varchar(50),@sInvoiceNum ¡¡varchar(50),@sInvoiceDate datetime,@sBuyCity varchar(50))AS
¡¡Insert Into SMB_In ......


Put Óï¾ä
Put [#]filenumber, [recnumber], varname
Get Óï¾ä
Get [#]filenumber, [recnumber], varname
dim B as byte
open "File1.txt" for binary as #1
get #1, 1, B
close #1
¼´¿É½«File1.txtÎļþµ ......


http://www.Experts-Exchange.com: ·Ç³£ºÃµÄÎÊÌâ ÌÖÂÛÇø£¬¸ßÊÖÊý²»¾¡£¬¶øÇÒÕâÀïµÄÈ˺ÜÓÐרҵ¾«Éñ£¬²»»áÌÖÂÛһЩºÍ³ÌÐòÎÞ¹ØÓÖÎÞÁĵÄÎÊÌâ¡£²»¹ýÏëÒª±ðÈË°ïÄã ½â¾öÎÊÌ⣬×Ô¼ºÒ²ÒªÓÐÕæ³ÏµÄ̬¶È¡£
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http://www.planet-source-code.co ......


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