vim html xml ×Ô¶¯²¹È«(ÔÚclosetag.vim ÉÏ×÷Á˵ãÐÞ¸Ä)
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" File: closetag.vim
" Summary: Functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags
" Uses: <C-_> -- close matching open tag
" Author: Steven Mueller <>
" Last Modified: Tue May 24 13:29:48 PDT 2005
" Version: 0.9.1
" XXX - breaks if close attempted while XIM is in preedit mode
" TODO - allow usability as a global plugin -
" Add g:unaryTagsStack - always contains html tags settings
" and g:closetag_default_xml - user should define this to default to xml
" When a close is attempted but b:unaryTagsStack undefined,
" use b:closetag_html_style to determine if the file is to be treated
" as html or xml. Failing that, check the filetype for xml or html.
" Finally, default to g:closetag_html_style.
" If the file is html, let b:unaryTagsStack=g:unaryTagsStack
" otherwise, let b:unaryTagsStack=""
" TODO - make matching work for all comments
" -- kinda works now, but needs syn sync minlines to be very long
" -- Only check whether in syntax in the beginning, then store comment tags
" in the tagstacks to determine whether to move into or out of comment mode
" TODO - The new normal mode mapping clears recent messages with its <ESC>, and
" it doesn't fix the null-undo issue for vim 5.7 anyway.
" TODO - make use of the following neat features:
" -- the ternary ?: operator
" -- :echomsg and :echoerr
" -- curly brace expansion for variables and function name definitions?
" -- check up on map <blah> \FuncName
" Description:
" This script eases re
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* ʵÏÖDOM3µÄLS(Load & Save)¹¦ÄÜ
* @author S.Well
* @see org.w3c.dom.DOMErrorHandler
* @see
public class XML_LS implements DOMErrorHandler, LSParserFilter {
private static ......
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