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 最新文章 : flash

nand flash结构及读写分析

NAND Flash 的数据是以bit 的方式保存在memory cell,一般来说,一个cell 中只能存储一个bit。这些cell 以8 个或者16 个为单位,连成bit line,形成所谓的byte(x8)/word(x16),这就是NAND Device 的位宽。这些Line 会再组成Page.
(Nand Flash 有多种结构,我使用的Nand Flash 是K9F1208,下面内容针对三星的K9F1208U0M),每页528Byte,每32 个page 形成一个Block, Sizeof(block)=16kByte 。
1 block="16kbyte",512Mbit=64Mbyte,Numberof(block)=4096 1block=32page, 1page=528byte=512byte(Main Area)+16byte(Spare Area)
Nand flash 以页为单位读写数据,而以块为单位擦除数据。
--Block Address -- Page Address --Column Address
对于NAND Flash 来讲,地址和命令只能在I/O[7:0]上传递,数据宽度是8 位。
512byte需要9bit来表示,对于528byte系列的NAND,这512byte被分成1st half和2nd half,各自的访问由地址指针命令来选择,A[7:0]就是所谓的column address。
32 个page 需要5bit 来表示,占用A[13:9],即该page 在块内的相对地址。Block的地址是由A14 以上的bit 来表示,例如512Mb 的NAND,共4096bloc ......

flash 绘图API:绘制一棵树

 这个程序是从2.0 改过来的,是网上一个程序,只是修改了一些内容,变成这种情况。这几天没有写程序,有点懒惰。于是今天又补充这种不错的应用。这个程序采用的是绘图API 最基本的绘制线,但是对其进行一些修改,使他产生上面的效果。漂亮不?呵呵,我都觉几漂亮,
作为绘图API 一个内容补充吧。
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.events.*;
public class Main extends Sprite
private var shape:Sprite=new Sprite();
public function Main()
CreatTree(shape.graphics,300, 460, 90, 180,6);
CreatTree(shape.graphics,300, 400, 45, 130,6);
CreatTree(shape.graphics,300, 400, 135, 130,6);
private function CreatTree(g:Graphics,px:Number,py:Number,angle:Number,len:Number,n:int):void
if (n>0)
var x1:Number=px+0.1*len*Math.cos(angle*Math.PI/180);
var y1:Number=py-0.1*len*Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/ ......

flash cs3导入出错问题

困扰多时的flash cs3导入问题终于在高人指点下解决了。好高兴啊!
问题:打开flash cs3 点击“导入-》导入到库”如果出现
1.网上有种说法是你下载的flash cs3太过完美(完整版的),可能会出现这种问题,所以建议你可以换一个精简版的一试。(不建议,万分无奈可以一试)
直接右键点击FLASH图标,打开属性——兼容性,在“用兼容模式运行这个程序”前打上勾,选择windows2000(自己先择适合的)。下面的“为这个程序关闭高级文字服务”前面同样打上勾(也可以不勾)。这样就OK了。不知道你的是不是一样得 !!! (引用)
以上方法,纯属对自己问题的一个总结。所以有出现类似可以一试。但无法保证确实可行!有类似经 ......

flash 之 URLLoader

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, handleProgress );
event:ProgressEvent     event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal
var streamer:URLStream = new URLStream( );
streamer.addEventListener( ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, handleProgress );
streamer.load(new URLRequest("example.txt"));
var streamer:URLStream = URLStream( event.target );
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("process.cfm");
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
request.data = variables;
//open a new url
navigateToURL(request, "_blank" );
//return value
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables( );
variables.method = "getProductDetail"
variables.productId = 2;
request.data = variables;
loader.dataFormat = DataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
var loader:URLLoad ......

Flex——Flash Player Not Found

Are you running your Flex Application and continually getting the error below?
"Flex Builder cannot locate the required version of the Flash Player. You might need to install Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder. Do you want to try to run your application with the current version?"
This error is not a critical error and if you click on the Yes button the application will most likely run the way the you expect it. The reason this happened may have been because you recently did an express install or just an upgrade to your Flash Player.
To get rid of this window constantly popping up you need to do one of the following:
1.Reinstall the Flash Player
Follow this link and reinstall the Flash Player. Get the latest Flash Player Debug Version
This may or may not solve the issue.
2.Put the missing file in the folder that Flex is expecting.
As you can tell Flex is looking for the dll in the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins but if you look in ......

Flex——Flash Player Not Found

Are you running your Flex Application and continually getting the error below?
"Flex Builder cannot locate the required version of the Flash Player. You might need to install Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder. Do you want to try to run your application with the current version?"
This error is not a critical error and if you click on the Yes button the application will most likely run the way the you expect it. The reason this happened may have been because you recently did an express install or just an upgrade to your Flash Player.
To get rid of this window constantly popping up you need to do one of the following:
1.Reinstall the Flash Player
Follow this link and reinstall the Flash Player. Get the latest Flash Player Debug Version
This may or may not solve the issue.
2.Put the missing file in the folder that Flex is expecting.
As you can tell Flex is looking for the dll in the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins but if you look in ......

Flash JSFL 脚本应用

对解决这个问题,Adobe官方早就想到了并且提供了完整的解决方案,那就是JSFL,flash js的脚本语言。对这个语言的介绍,我在这就不详述,相关知识可查找Flash 帮助文件,API里面有详细的介绍。在此,主要贴一些今天写的代码。
if(fl.getDocumentDOM() == null)
if(fl.getDocumentDOM().selection.length == 0)
fl.getDocumentDOM().convertToSymbol('movie clip', '_hitTest', 'top left');
var lib = fl.getDocumentDOM().library;
if (lib.getItemProperty('linkageImportForRS') == true) {
lib.setItemProperty('linkageImportForRS', false);
else {
lib.setItemProperty('linkageExpo ......
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