¡ö1979: Larry Ellison and friends founded Software Development Laboratories.
¡ö1979: SDL changed its company-name to "Relational Software, Inc." (RSI) and introduced its product Oracle V2 as an early commercially-available relational database system. The version did not support transactions, but implemented the basic SQL functionality of queries and joins. (RSI never released a version 1 - instead calling the first version version 2 as a marketing gimmick.)[23]
¡ö1982: RSI in its turn changed its name, becoming known as "Oracle Corporation",[24] to align itself more closely with its flagship product.
¡ö1983: The company released Oracle version 3, which it had re-written using the C programming language and which supported COMMIT and ROLLBACK functionality for transactions. Version 3 extended platform support from the existing Digital VAX/VMS systems to include Unix environments.[24]
¡ö1984: Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 4, which supported read-consistency.
¡ö1985: Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 5, which supported the client-server model — a sign of networks becoming more widely available in the mid-1980s.
¡ö1986: Oracle version 5.1 started supporting distributed queries.
¡ö1988: Oracle RDBMS version 6 came out with support for PL/SQL embedded within Oracle Forms v3 (version 6 could not store PL/SQL in the database proper), row-level locking and hot backups.[25]
¡ö1989: Oracle Corporation entered the application products market and developed its ERP product, (later to become part of the Oracle E-Business Suite), based on the Oracle relational database.
¡ö1990: the release of Oracle Applications release 8[24]
¡ö1992: Oracle version 7 appeared with support for referential integrity, stored procedures and triggers.
¡ö1997: Oracle Corporation released version 8, which supported object-
TYPE ref_type_name IS REF CURSOR [RETURN return_type];
cursor_name ref_type_name;
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type rc is ref cursor;
cursor c is select * from dual ......
Oracle Process Structure
Oracle takes advantage of various types of processes:
¡¡—User process: Started at the time a database user requests connection to the Oracle server
—Server process: Connects to the Oracle instance and is started when a user establishes a session
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