
Python入门的36个例子 之 32

A Byte Of Python
Suppose you want to write a program which has to keep track of the
teachers and students in a college. They have some common
characteristics such as name, age and address. They also have specific
characteristics such as salary, courses and leaves for teachers and,
marks and fees for students.
You can create two independent classes for each type and process them
but adding a new common characteristic would mean adding to both of
these independent classes. This quickly becomes unwieldy.
A better way would be to create a common class called SchoolMember and
then have the teacher and student classes inherit from this class i.e.
they will become sub-types of this type (class) and then we can add
specific characteristics to these sub-types.
# 036
class SchoolMember:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
print '初始化%s' % self.name
# end of def
def tell(self):
print '名字:%s 年龄:%s' % (self.name, self.age)
# end of def
# end of class
class Teacher(SchoolMember):
def __init__(self, name, age, salary):
SchoolMember.__init__(self, name, age) # Python不会自己调用基本类的构造函数,我们得自己调用。
self.salary = salary
print '


Python入门的36个例子——04 优雅的字符串

# 004
# 利用三引号(''' or """)可以指示多行字符串
print '''line1
# 另外,你还可以在三引号中任意使用单引号和双引号
print ''' "What's up? ," he replied.'''
# 否则,你好使用转义符来实现同样的效果
# 还是使用三引号好,不然就破坏了视觉美了
print ' \"Wha ......

Python入门的36个例子——15 默认参数

# 015
# 默认参数的本质是:
# 不论你是否提供给我这个参数,我都是要用它,
# 那么我就要想好在你不向我提供参数的时候我该使用什么。
# 或者,这样来理解:
# 有一些参数在一般情况下是约定俗成的,
# 但,在极少情况下会有一些很有个性的人会打破传统而按照自己的习惯来做事
def theFirstDayInAWeek(theDay = 'Sunda ......

Python入门的36个例子 之 22

# 025
# 序列的神奇之处在于你可以使用相同的方式tuple、list和string
se = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
li = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
tu = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
string = 'abcd'
print se[1]
print li[1]
print tu[1]
print string[1]
# 序列的另外一个神奇之处在于,你可以使用负数进行索 ......

Python入门的36个例子 之 30

# 034
class Person:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name # 这一句中第一个name是类中包含的域,第二个name是传进来的参数
# end of def
def sayHello(self):
print 'Hello!'
# end of def
# end of class
p = Person('Ning')
print p.nam ......
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