

 The built-in assembler allows you to write assembly code within Delphi programs. It has the following features:
Allows for inline assembly
    Supports all instructions found in the Intel Pentium III, Intel MMX extensions, Streaming SIMD
 Extensions (SSE), and the AMD Athlon (including 3D Now!)
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    Provides no macro support, but allows for pure assembly function procedures
    Permits the use of Delphi identifiers, such as constants, types, and variables in assembly statements
As an alternative to the built-in assembler, you can link to object files that contain external procedures and functions. See External declarations for more information.
If you have external assembly code that you want to use in your applications, you should consider rewriting it in the Delphi language or minimally reimplement it using the inline assembler.
The built-in assembler is accessed through asm statements, which have the form
asm statementList end
where statementList is a sequence of assembly statements separated by semicolons, end-of-line characters, or Delphi comments.
Comments in an asm statement must be in Delphi style. A semicolon does not indicate that the rest of the line is a comment.
The reserved word inline and the directive assembler are



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Function to return the MAC address of a remote or local machine in the format XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
ShowMessage(GetMacAddress( ......

Delphi ShlÓëShr ÒÆλ²Ù×÷½éÉÜ

 ¸ñʽ£º²Ù×÷Êý Shl/Shr Òƶ¯Î»Êý
Àý×Ó£º16(10) = 10000(2)
     16(10) Shr 1 = 10000(2) Shr 1 = 1000(2) = 8(10)
     16(10) Shr 2 = 10000(2) Shr 2 = 100(2) = 4(10)
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&n ......


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abort º¯Êý ÒýÆð·ÅÆúµÄÒâÍâ´¦Àí
abs º¯Êý ¾ø¶ÔÖµº¯Êý
addexitproc º¯Êý ½«Ò»¹ý³ÌÌí¼Óµ½ÔËÐÐʱ¿âµÄ½áÊø¹ý³Ì±íÖÐ
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adjustlinebreaks º¯Êý ½«¸ø¶¨×Ö·û´®µÄÐзָô·ûµ÷ÕûΪcr/lfÐòÁÐ
align ÊôÐÔ Ê¹¿Ø¼þλÓÚ´°¿Úij²¿·Ö
alignment ÊôÐÔ ¿ ......

delphi ¶¯Ì¬¿ØÖÆ´°¿ÚÖö¥ÇÒ½çÃæ²»ÉÁ

procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
if CheckBox1.Checked then
SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE)
SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE);
end;//ʹÓÃSelf.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;»áʹ½ç ......
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