

<img src="{{----}}13730" mce_src="{{----}}13730"/><span id="__caret">_</span><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApp()">
<mx:Canvas id="paper" x="30" y="24" width="719" height="600">
<mx:Canvas id="Total" x="10" y="254" width="108" height="78" borderStyle="inset">
<mx:Button x="0" y="43" label="关键词导出" width="103" height="28"/>
<mx:Text x="0" y="0" width="103" height="45" text="List PV:10000" fontSize="12"/>
<mx:Canvas id="LEV1_1" x="187" y="95" width="108" height="70" borderStyle="inset">
<mx:Button x="0" y="38" label="关键词导出" width="103" height="26"/>
<mx:Text x="0" y="0" width="103" height="39" text="List PV:10000" fontSize="12"/>
<mx:Canvas id="LEV1_2" x="187" y="315" width="108" height="77" borderStyle="inset">
<mx:Button x="0" y="45" label="关键词导出" width="103" height="26"/>
<mx:Text x="0" y="0" width="103" height="46" text="List PV:10000" fontSize="12"/>
<mx:Canvas id="LEV1_3" x="187" y="504" width="108" height="75" borderStyle="inset">
<mx:Button x=&


flex 百叶窗效果

package effects

import effects.effectClasses.BlindsInstance;

import mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBarDirection;
import mx.effects.IEffectInstance;
import mx.effects.TweenEffect;

public class Blinds extends TweenEffect


FLEX 资源图,进度图,甘特图

用了3天时间写了这个 第一版本 进度图, 其实也是甘特图的一种了,
不过国内的倒是有几个, 一个是异度的,一个是向日葵的,都是用JS写的
还有个用FLASH 写的 也很不错, 我用FLEX 写了个,问题还是有的,比如占用CPU
资源过高,不过扩展性到是很强 。 ......

flex as3开源组件

open-source project : Flex
Adobe APIs 
主要包含corelib, mappr, flickr, youtube及加密等类库. 
与 Amazon S3 交互的 ActionScript 3.0 类库 
http://code.google.com/p/as3 ......

flex 制作的简单计算器

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="horizontal">
    <mx:Panel width="382" height="277" layout="absolute">


tofino  http://www.ensemble.com/products/tofino.html
Ensemble Tofino for Visual Studio is a plugin that enables .NET
developers to create Flex front ends for their applications in the same
IDE that they normally use. Instead of using a separate text or XML
editor and manually invoking the c ......
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