

Getting Around Bug in Adobe Flex: TabControl Inline Event Handling for TabIndexChange Doesn't Work
I ran into this because I wanted to do something funky.  I wanted my Flex app window to change PageStates (and size) whenever the TabIndex changed.  Whether doing this kind of thing is wise in a user interface is yet to be seen -- I did it and it even strikes ME as a bit off the wall -- but it did solve the immediate issue.  The immediate issue was that some of my tabs required a lot of space and some did not.  This left a lot of ugly whitespace.
So, I figured, Flex (Actually Flash under the covers) must have an event handler for changing tabs.  And I was rewarded very quickly:  There is a "TabIndexChange" inline event handler.  For the uninitiated, such a thing looks something like this:
<mx:TabNavigator id="tabnavigator1" tabIndexChange="myHandlerFunction()">
With most other events, this works just fine:  When the event fires, the handler is called.  But it simply doesn't work in this case.  The handler function is never called.
There's a couple of ways to handle this.  One way is to use a TabBar control rather than a TabControl.  The TabBar basically gives you the look and feel of a tabset but more control over what is tabbed.  And the tabIndexChange even calls the handler as one might expect.
I didn't want to do it that way, however.  For one thing, I'm stubborn.  For another, I already had all my controls arranged on the TabNavigator and I didn't want to rip it half to pieces to get functionality that I should already be getting.
Fortunately, there's a solution:  Explicitly declare an event listener.  That looks something like this:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="InitApp()">
        import mx.events.IndexChangedE


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