
java 虚拟机运行时数据区域 Runtime Data Areas

The Java virtual machine defines various runtime data areas that are used during execution of a program. Some of these data areas are created on Java virtual machine start-up and are destroyed only when the Java virtual machine exits. Other data areas are per thread. Per-thread data areas are created when a thread is created and destroyed when the thread exits.
3.5.1 The pc Register 寄存器
The Java virtual machine can support many threads of execution at once (§2.19). Each Java virtual machine thread has its own pc (program counter) register. At any point, each Java virtual machine thread is executing the code of a single method, the current method (§3.6) for that thread. If that method is not native, the pc register contains the address of the Java virtual machine instruction currently being executed. If the method currently being executed by the thread is native, the value of the Java virtual machine's pc register is undefined. The Java virtual machine's pc register is wide enough to hold a returnAddress or a native pointer on the specific platform.
3.5.2 Java Virtual Machine Stacks 虚拟机栈
Each Java virtual machine thread has a private Java virtual machine stack, created at the same time as the thread.3 A Java virtual machine stack stores frames (§3.6). A Java virtual machine stack is analogous to the stack of a conventional language such as C: it holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in method invocation and return. Because the Java virtual machine stack is never manipulated directly except to push and pop frames, frames may be heap allocated. The memory for a Java virtual machine stack does not need to be contiguous.
The Java virtual machine



直接用wsdl命令生成代理 ......


记得vamcily 曾问我:“为什么获取数组的长度用.length(成员变量的形式),而获取String的长度用.length()(成员方法的形式)?”
我当时一听,觉得问得很有道理。做同样一件事情,为什么采用两种风格迥异的风格呢?况且,Java中的数组其实是完备(full-fledged)的对象,直接暴露成员变量,可能不是一种很OO的风格。 ......


Ribbon 原来出现在 Microsoft Office 2007 的 Word、Excel 和 Powerpoint 組件中,后来也被运用到 Windows 7 的一些附加组件等其它软件中,如画图和写字板。它是一个收藏了命令按钮和图标的面板。它把命令组织成一组"标签",每一组包含了相关的命令。每一个应用程序都有一个不同的标签组,展示了程序所提供 ......


Boolean a=false;
Boolean b=true;
Boolean c=(a&b)&&(!b);
Int result=b==false?1:2;
A  c=false; result=1;  B. c=true;result=2;
C.c=true;result=1   D. c=false; result=2
6.下述声明中哪种可防 ......

linux下安装java jdk及环境变量配置

a. 下载安装包jdk-6u17-linux-i586-rpm.bin
b. cp jdk-6u17-linux-i586-rpm.bin /usr/local/
c. chmod a+x jdk-6u17-linux-i586-rpm.bin
d. sh jdk-6u17-linux-i586-rpm.bin  接受协议yes,安装完成
e. 设置环境变量
vi /etc/profile
#set java environment
JAVA_HOME=/ ......
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