

In the heterogeneous world of enterprise computing, interoperability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The multiple tier architecture of modern enterprises coupled with multiple development tools can lead to multiple headaches for developers. So what's a poor developer to do? Fortunately (some would say unfortunately), there are many ways to tackle this problem.
The resources I've assembled below should provide you with a broad overview of some of the techniques being used to bridge the worlds of .NET and Java technology. We'd love to hear about the interoperability issues you've encountered and how you went about solving them.
In the heterogeneous world of enterprise computing, interoperability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The multiple tier architecture of modern enterprises coupled with multiple development tools can lead to multiple headaches for developers. So what's a poor developer to do? Fortunately (some would say unfortunately), there are many ways to tackle this problem.
The resources I've assembled below should provide you with a broad overview of some of the techniques being used to bridge the worlds of .NET and Java technology. We'd love to hear about the interoperability issues you've encountered and how you went about solving them.
Interoperability between Java EE technology and .NET applications
Dr. Dobb's "Interoperability and Integration" poster (PDF)
Webcast: Application interoperability with Microsoft .NET and J2EE
Top ten tips for Web services interoperability


C#, Java 和 Matlab 6.5 书籍

ed2k://|file|[ReadFree]_Java.P2P程序设计_11052086.rar|8742852| ......


                J2ee的开源框架很多,笔者只能介绍自己熟悉的几个,其他的目前在中国IT行业应用得不是很多。希望大家对新出的框架不要盲目的推崇,首先一定要熟悉它比旧的到底好在哪里,新的理念和特性 ......

Java调用SQL Server的存储过程详解

  使用 JDBC 驱动程序调用不带参数的存储过程时,必须使用 call SQL 转义序列。不带参数的 call 转义序列的语法如下所示:
{call procedure-name}
  作为实例,在 SQL Server 2005 AdventureWorks 示例数据库中创建以下存储过程:
以下是引用片段: ......

java php DES 加密解密

import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
public class DES {
private byte ......

Java Annotation使用大全 (ZT)

    Annotation 提供了一条与程序元素关联任何信息或者任何元数据(metadata)的途径。从某些方面看,annotation就像修饰符一样被使用,并应用于包、类型、构造方法、方法、成员变量、参数、本地变量的声明中。这些信息被存储在annotation的“name=value”结构对中 ......
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