Sun Java moved to the Partner repository
For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, the sun-java6 packages have been dropped from the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive. It is recommended that you use openjdk-6 instead.
If you can not switch from the proprietary Sun JDK/JRE to OpenJDK, you can install sun-java6 packages from the Canonical Partner Repository. You can configure your system to use this repository via command-line:
add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
String stra[] = {"g","b","c","h","k"};//ÔʼÊý×é
String strb[] = {"g","k"}; //ÒƳýµÄÔªËØ
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for(int i=0;i<stra.length;i++){
int n=0;
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