

 linux的热插拔是Greg Kroah-Hartman维护,所以这是篇经典文章。如果你有USB或者PCI设备驱动开发基础,一读就可以理解。
Hot-pluggable devices have been created to solve a number of user needs. On laptop computers, PCMCIA devices were designed to allow the user to swap cards while the computer was still running. This allowed people to change network adaptors, memory cards and even disk drives without shutting down the machine.
The success of this led to the creation of the USB and IEEE1394 (FireWire) buses. These designs allow for peripherals to be attached and removed at any point. They also were created to try to move systems away from the ISA bus to a full Plug-and-Play-type system.
from the operating system's point of view, there are many problems with hot plugging devices. In the past, the operating system only had to search for the various devices connected to it on power-up, and once seen, the device would never go away. from the view of the device driver, it never expects to have the hardware that it is trying to control disappear. But with hot-pluggable devices, all of this changes.
Now the operating system has to have a mechanism that constantly detects if a new device appears. This usually is done by a bus-specific manager. This manager handles the scanning for new devices and recognizes this disappearance. It must be able to create system resources for the new device and pass control off to a specific driver. The device driver for a hot-pluggable device has to be able to recover gracefully when the hardware is removed and be able to bind itself to new hardware at any moment. Not only does the kernel need to know when devices are removed or added, but the user also should be notified when this happens. Other kinds of kernel events, such as the creation of network devices or the insertion of a laptop into a docking station, also would be useful for the user to know about.
This article describes the new framework in the Linux kernel for supporting USB and


实战Linux Bluetooth编程 (七) SDP协议

Service Discovery Protocol(SDP)提供一种能力,让应用程序有方法发现哪种服务可用以及这种服务的特性。
服务发现协议(SDP或Bluetooth SDP)在蓝牙协议栈中对蓝牙环境中的应用程序有特殊的含意,发现哪个服务是可用的和确定这些可用服务的特征。SDP定义了bluetooth client发现可用bluetooth server服务和它们的特征的方法。 ......


MBR:硬盘MBR(Master Boot Record)就是我们经常说的”硬盘主引导记录”,它是由FDISK等磁盘分区命令写在硬盘绝对0扇区的一段数据,它由主引导程序、硬盘分区表及扇区结束标志字(55AA).
4 ......


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               Linux下动态库的生成及链接方法 (1)
      Linux 下动态库文件的扩展名为".so"(Shared Object)。按照约定,所有动态库文件名的形式是libname.so(可能在名字中加入版本号)。这样,线程函数库被称作 ......

Linux系统下 内核模块开发

1. modprobe 加载内核模块
a) 在 /etc/module.conf 中查找别名
b) 在 lib/modules/version/module.dep 中判断是否有依赖模块需要被提前加载(该文件被depmod-a建立)
2. 2.4内核中不一定非用init_module和cleanup_module做开始和结束的函数,但需要用module_init和
module_exit申明。 ......
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