
°²×°SQL Serverºó±Ø×ö12²½

12 Essential Steps After Installing SQL Server
By : Sadequl Hussain
Jul 13, 2009
from: http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/dba/post_installation_steps_p1.aspx
Rolling out SQL Servers is a key task for
DBAs.  While for some DBAs this can be a frequent exercise, others will have to
face it one time or other throughout their career in an organisation.
Successfully planning an installation
requires a fair bit of knowledge about SQL Server and a basic understanding of
the operating system. Once the installation is complete, the system usually
needs some changes to default configuration before production databases can be
rolled out. In this article I list some common steps that I take after
installing a SQL Server. This can be used as a “checklist” to ensure consistency
for all the SQL Servers that you roll out.
Step1: Install the Service Pack, Hotfixes and Cumulative
This is the first step you should take after
a successful installation. You should always install the latest service pack
available unless there is a clear business cause not to do so. At the time of
this writing, SQL Server 2005 is in service pack level 3 and SQL Server 2008 has
service pack 1. Service packs are freely downloadable from the Microsoft web
site. If there are hotfixes or cumulative updates available after the last
service pack has been released, you should apply them as well. This ensures that
your server is ready with the latest version of the database software. Once all
the patches are installed, make a backup of your system databases and reboot the
2: Configure SQL Services
Although your planning phase should
determine what SQL services you are going to install, there may be occasions
when a service is rolled out but not needed immediately. Perhaps your business
requires you to install a SQL Server and although reporting is not going to be
part of it, management in


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