STATUS VARCHAR2(8) Status of the session:
ACTIVE - Session currently executing SQL
INACTIVE - sql¼°ÆäsessionûÓÐÊÍ·Å»òÕý³£Í˳ö......
KILLED - Session marked to be killed
CACHED - Session temporarily cached for use by Oracle*XA
SNIPED - Session inactive, waiting on the client
select distinct o.object_name, sh.sid "SID", sh.SERIAL# "SERIAL", sh.username||'('||sh.sid||','||sh.SERIAL#||')' "Holder",
sw.username||'('||sw.sid||','||sw.SERIAL#||')' "Waiter",
decode(lh.lmode, 1, 'null', 2,
'row share', 3, 'row exclusive', 4, 'share',
5, 'share row exclusive' , 6, 'exclusive') "Lock Type"
from v$session sw, v$lock lw,all_objects o, v$session sh, v$lock lh
where lh.id1 = o.object_id
and lh.id1 = lw.id1
and sh.sid = lh.sid
and sw.sid = lw.sid
and sh.lockwait is null
and sw.lockwait is not null
and lh.type = 'TM'
and lw.type = 'TM';
select /*+ NO_MERGE(a) NO_MERGE(b) NO_MERGE(c) */ 'Wait' "Status", a.username, a.machine, a.sid, a.serial#, a.last_call_et "Seconds", b.id1, c.sql_text "SQL"
from v$session a, v$lock b, v$sqltext c
where a.username is not null
and a.lockwait = b.kaddr
and c.hash_value =a.sql_hash_value
select /*+ NO_MERGE(a) NO_MERGE(b) NO_MERGE(c) */ 'Lock' "Status", a.username, a.machine, a.sid, a.serial#, a.last_call_et "Seconds", b.id1, c.sql_text "SQL"
from v$session a, v$lock b, v$sqltext c
where b.id1 in
(select /*+ NO_MERGE(d) NO_MERGE(e) */ distinct e.id1
from v$session d, v$lock e
where d.lockwait = e.kaddr)
and a.username is not null
and a.sid = b.sid
and b.request=0
and c.ha
Insert into tblFaultDetail(Code,FileType,FaultCode,FaultRect) select Code,FileType,FaultCode,FaultRect from tblF ......
select distinct name from tablename
select min(fid),name,sex from tablename group by name
select distinct name from tablename ´ò¿ªÖظ´¼Ç¼µÄµ¥¸ö×Ö¶Î
select * from tablename where fid in(Select min(fid) from tablename group by name)´ò¿ªÖظ´¼Ç¼µÄËùÓÐ×Ö¶ÎÖµ
select ......
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SQL> select sid, serial#, username from v$session where username='XXX';//ÕÒ³öÄãÒª¸ú ......
ä½ Ïª ɳ
ÇàÄñ²»´«ÔÆÍâÐÅ,¶¡Ïã¿Õ½áÓêÖгî, »ØÊ×Â̲¨Èý³þĺ, ½ÓÌìÁ÷
SQLÊÇÓ¢ÎÄStructured Query LanguageµÄËõд£¬Òâ˼Ϊ½á¹¹»¯²éѯÓïÑÔ¡£SQLÓïÑÔµÄÖ÷Òª¹¦ÄܾÍÊÇͬ¸÷ÖÖÊý¾Ý¿â½¨Á¢ÁªÏµ£¬½øÐйµÍ¨¡£°´ÕÕA ......
1) select distinct name from table --´ò¿ªÖظ´¼Ç¼µÄµ¥¸ö×Ö¶Î
2) select * from table where fid in(Select min(fid) from table group by name)--´ò¿ªÖظ´¼Ç¼µÄËùÓÐ×Ö¶ÎÖµ
3) select * from table where name in(select name from table group by name having count(name)=1)--´ò¿ªÖظ´ÈÎÒâ´ÎÊýµ ......