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[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(020)

Yielding with Timers  用定时器让出时间片
    Despite your best efforts, there will be times when a JavaScript task cannot be completed in 100 milliseconds or less because of its complexity. In these cases, it's ideal to yield control of the UI thread so that UI updates may occur. Yielding control means stopping JavaScript execution and giving the UI a chance to update itself before continuing to execute the JavaScript. This is where JavaScript timers come into the picture.
Timer Basics  定时器基础
    Timers are created in JavaScript using either setTimeout() or setInterval(), and both accept the same arguments: a function to execute and the amount of time to ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(021)

Splitting Up Tasks  分解任务
    What we typically think of as one task can often be broken down into a series of subtasks. If a single function is taking too long to execute, check to see whether it can be broken down into a series of smaller functions that complete in smaller amounts of time. This is often as simple as considering a single line of code as an atomic task, even though multiple lines of code typically can be grouped together into a single task. Some functions are already easily broken down based on the other functions they call. For example:
function saveDocument(id){
  //save the document
  //update the UI to indi ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(022)

第七章  Ajax  异步JavaScript和XML
    Ajax is a cornerstone of high-performance JavaScript. It can be used to make a page load faster by delaying the download of large resources. It can prevent page loads altogether by allowing for data to be transferred between the client and the server asynchronously. It can even be used to fetch all of a page's resources in one HTTP request. By choosing the correct transmission technique and the most efficient data format, you can significantly improve how your users interact with your site.
    This chapter examines the fastest techniques for sending data to and receiving it from the server, as well as the most efficient formats for encodi ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(023)

Data Formats  数据格式
    When considering data transmission techniques, you must take into account several factors: feature set, compatibility, performance, and direction (to or from the server). When considering data formats, the only scale you need for comparison is speed.
    There isn't one data format that will always be better than the others. Depending on what data is being transferred and its intended use on the page, one might be faster to download, while another might be faster to parse. In this section, we create a widget for searching among users and implement it using each of the four major categories of data formats. This will require us to format a list of users on the server, pass it back to the browser, parse that list into a native JavaScript data structure, and ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(024)

Data Format Conclusions  数据格式总结
    Favor lightweight formats in general; the best are JSON and a character-delimited custom format. If the data set is large and parse time becomes an issue, use one of these two techniques:
• JSON-P data, fetched using dynamic script tag insertion. This treats the data as executable JavaScript, not a string, and allows for extremely fast parsing. This can be used across domains, but shouldn't be used with sensitive data.
• A character-delimited custom format, fetched using either XHR or dynamic script tag insertion and parsed using split(). This technique parses extremely large datasets slightly faster than the JSON-P technique, and ge ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(025)

第八章  Programming Practices  编程实践
    Every programming language has pain points and inefficient patterns that develop over time. The appearance of these traits occurs as people migrate to the language and start pushing its boundaries. Since 2005, when the term "Ajax" emerged, web developers have pushed JavaScript and the browser further than it was ever pushed before. As a result, some very specific patterns emerged, both as best practices and as suboptimal ones. These patterns arise because of the very nature of JavaScript on the Web.
Avoid Double Evaluation  避免二次评估
    JavaSc ......
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