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[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(014)

Recursion Patterns  递归模式
    When you run into a call stack size limit, your first step should be to identify any instances of recursion in the code. To that end, there are two recursive patterns to be aware of. The first is the straightforward recursive pattern represented in the factorial() function shown earlier, when a function calls itself. The general pattern is as follows:
function recurse(){
    This pattern is typically easy to identify when errors occur. A second, subtler pattern involves two functions:
function first(){
function second(){
  & ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(015)

第五章  Strings and Regular Expressions  字符串和正则表达式
    Practically all JavaScript programs are intimately tied to strings. For example, many applications use Ajax to fetch strings from a server, convert those strings into more easily usable JavaScript objects, and then generate strings of HTML from the data. A typical program deals with numerous tasks like these that require you to merge, split, rearrange, search, iterate over, and otherwise handle strings; and as web applications become more complex, progressively more of this processing is done in the browser.
    In JavaScript, regular expressions ar ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(016)

Regular Expression Optimization  正则表达式优化
    Incautiously crafted regexes can be a major performance bottleneck (the upcoming section, "Runaway Backtracking" on page 91, contains several examples showing how severe this can be), but there is a lot you can do to improve regex efficiency. Just because two regexes match the same text doesn't mean they do so at the same speed.
    Many factors affect a regex's efficiency. For starters, the text a regex is applied to makes a big difference because regexes spend more time on partial matches than obvious nonmatches. Each browser's regex engine also has different internal optimizations.
    许多因素影响正则表达式的效率。首先,正则表达式适配的文本千差万别,部 ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(017)

A Note on Benchmarking  测试基准说明
    Because a regex's performance can be wildly different depending on the text it's applied to, there's no straightforward way to benchmark regexes against each other. For the best result, you need to benchmark your regexes on test strings of varying lengths that match, don't match, and nearly match.
    That's one reason for this chapter's lengthy backtracking coverage. Without a firm understanding of backtracking, you won't be able to anticipate and identify backtracking-related problems. To help you catch runaway backtracking early, always test your regexes with long strings that contain partial matches. Think about the kinds of strings that your regexes will nearly but not quite ma ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(018)

String Trimming  字符串修剪
    Removing leading and trailing whitespace from a string is a simple but common task. Although ECMAScript 5 adds a native string trim method (and you should therefore start to see this method in upcoming browsers), JavaScript has not historically included it. For the current browser crop, it's still necessary to implement a trim method yourself or rely on a library that includes it.
    去除字符串首尾的空格是一个简单而常见的任务。虽然ECMAScript 5添加了原生字符串修剪函数(你应该可以在即将出现的浏览器中看到它们),到目前为止JavaScript还没有包含它。对当前的浏览器而言,有必要自己实现一个修剪函数,或者依靠一个包含此功能的库。
    Trimming strings is not a common performance bottleneck, but it serves as a decent case study for regex optimization since there are a variety of ways to implement it.
Trimming with ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(019)

第六章  Responsive Interfaces  响应接口
    There's nothing more frustrating than clicking something on a web page and having nothing happen. This problem goes back to the origin of transactional web applications and resulted in the now-ubiquitous "please click only once" message that accompanies most form submissions. A user's natural inclination is to repeat any action that doesn't result in an obvious change, and so ensuring responsiveness in web applications is an important performance concern.
    Chapter 1 introduced the browser UI thread concept. As a recap, most browsers have a single process that is shared between JavaScript execution and user interface up ......
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