
jLayout — JavaScript Layout Algorithms

The jLayout JavaScript library provides layout algorithms for laying out components. A component is an abstraction; it can be implemented in many ways, for example as items in a HTML5 Canvas drawing or as HTML elements. The jLayout library allows you to focus on drawing the individual components instead of on how to arrange them on your screen.
The library currently provides four layout algorithms: border, which lays out components in five different regions;grid, which lays out components in a user defined grid, flex-grid which offers a grid with flexible column and row sizes, and flow which flows components in a user defined direction. Using the grid and flex-grid algorithms you can also create horizontal and vertical layouts. A jQuery plugin to lay out (X)HTML elements is also available.


[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(017)

A Note on Benchmarking  测试基准说明
    Because a regex's performance can be wildly different depending on the text it's applied to, there's no straightforward way to benchmark regexes against each other. For the best result, you need to benchmark your regexes on test strings o ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(019)

第六章  Responsive Interfaces  响应接口
    There's nothing more frustrating than clicking something on a web page and having nothing happen. This problem goes back to the origin of transactional web applications and resulted in the now-ubiquitous "please click only once" m ......

[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(022)

第七章  Ajax  异步JavaScript和XML
    Ajax is a cornerstone of high-performance JavaScript. It can be used to make a page load faster by delaying the download of large resources. It can prevent page loads altogether by allowing for data to be transferred between the client ......


<body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var  s = "";
s += "\r\n网页可见区域宽:"+ document.body.clientWidth;
s += "\r\n网页可见区域高:"+ document.body.clien ......
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