window.confirm 参数就只有一个。显示提示框的信息。按确定,返回true;按取消返回false。
< SCRIPT> var bln = window.confirm("确定吗?"); alert(bln) < /SCRIPT> window.alert参数,只有一个,显示警告框的信息;无返回值。
< SCRIPT> window.alert("确定。") window.prompt参数,有两个,第一个参数,显示提示输入框的信息。第二个参数,用于显示输入框的默认值。返回,用户输入的值。
< SCRIPT> var str = window.prompt("请输入密码","password") alert(str); < /SCRIPT>
Data Formats 数据格式
When considering data transmission techniques, you must take into account several factors: feature set, compatibility, performance, and direction (to or from the server). When considering data formats, the only scale you need for comparison is speed.
Working Around Caching Issues 关于缓存问题
Adequate cache control can really enhance the user experience, but it has a downside: when revving up your application, you want to make sure your users get the latest version of the static content. This is accomplished by renaming ......
Firefox is a popular browser with developers, partially due to the Firebug addon (available at, which was developed initially by Joe Hewitt and is now maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. This tool has increased the productivity of web develop ......
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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<body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var s = "";
s += "\r\n网页可见区域宽:"+ document.body.clientWidth;
s += "\r\n网页可见区域高:"+ document.body.clien ......